Both organic and extra fresh with the date of laying marked on the shell. This is an egg with two advantages; a safe choice for your children and yourselves. The certified freshness of VLACHAKIS Eggs and the compliance to organic farming make these eggs truly unique.
Our husbandry practices for ORGANIC VLACHAKIS Eggs ensure the welfare of our flock with proper care and nutrition to maximize quality. Four sq. m., of lush vegetation are provided per bird and their diet is purely organic.
Organic poultry farming is subject to rigorous controls by Organic Certification of DIO, the governing body of certification, in full compliance with the guidelines and regulations of the E.U. The Extra Fresh Eggs reach you within 24 hours from collection in our farms, with AGROCERT certification. We code mark each shell egg with natural ink for your safety; yet another high-quality product from VLACHAKIS EGGS.